Despite previous additions to original Carnegie Library, the St. Charles Public Library felt a need to expand to accommodate the town’s projected population growth of over 10,000 in the next ten years. Lohan Anderson was commissioned to plan the next addition.
The new plan recommended doubling in size the existing 56,000 sf library as well as updates to the existing building. A structural analysis revealed that the existing library was not capable of either horizontal or vertical expansion; thus any new addition must be structurally independent of the existing library. Several options were studied for locating the proposed building addition and new parking. The final scheme recommended expanding the library over an existing parking lot, renovating and rebuilding portions of the existing library, and acquiring land adjacent for new parking.
While waiting for a referendum to be put forth to the voters, Lohan Anderson has assisted the St. Charles Public Library with several interior renovations to improve circulation, expand the collection, and enhance the services provided.
Completed: 2007, 2014
Architect and Interior Designer: Lohan Anderson